London School Workshop – September 2024

Dagenham, London September 2024

An invitation for an iconographer (or iconographers)  to help with this important initiative:

My name is Anna McCormick and I am a lay-chaplain at All Saints Catholic Secondary School in Dagenham, London.
I am hoping you might be able to help me? I am looking for someone who might be able to run a workshop at our school in the week of the 21st October, where we could select some of our best GCSE and A-Level art students to introduce them to iconography. I am hoping that they might each be able to produce a small icon for our school chapel, or work together on one larger piece.
Since I am only an admirer of icons and have no skills in this area myself, I wonder if you could point me in the right direction, or put me in touch with any iconographers who would be willing to work with secondary school students. We do have some funds available but (as with any school) they are tight. I am hoping and praying that there might be someone who would be generous to us. I would really love this experience to spark an interest in our students as a way to express their faith through their own creative medium.
Please let me know if you can help in any way.
Thank you very much,
Anna McCormick
All Saints Catholic School
Terling Road
Tel :  0208 270 4242
Web :